Monday, March 31, 2008

Update: Takhisis Implementation

The House of Takhisis have decided and the elders agreed to the following implementation:

1. Members who are inactive for one month without prior notice to the official forums of Takhisis Faction shall be ousted.

2. For new applicants make sure to visit the official forums of Takhisis Faction located in the right panel of this blog. Then make sure to register using your in-game family name to have access on our forums but make sure you informed the FL or DFL for faster validation.

3. Participation Points or (PP) was already implemented for bidding items from the vault.

4. Colony Wars participation of Takhisis Faction will be hyped as time goes by.

5. Takhisis Faction is now recruiting members who are in level 80 and above and also open to both English speaking players and Filipinos along.

Thank you for your cooperation!

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